Pastor Holland Davis is the founder and senior pastor of Calvary Chapel in San Clemente, California. He and his wife, Roxie, have two sons (Austin, Chase) and a daughter (Madison). They live in San Juan Capistrano, California.
Holland spent his life growing up in different parts of the world because his dad was enlisted in the United States Marine Corps. He’s lived on both coasts, grew up in a trailer in Beaufort, South Carolina, lived in Elk City, Oklahoma, Salt Lake City, Utah, Quantico, Virginia and Vista, California. Jesus made Himself known to Holland through an audible voice at a Young Life meeting in Iwakuni, Japan. That day changed his life forever. He was told by the Young Life leadership to read the Bible and pray and God would teach him. So, Holland began reading the Bible and praying. However, no one told him that he needed to go to church. It wasn’t until his family moved back to the United States that he heard from a friend that you’re supposed to go to church and when he did, he was told that the things he read in the Bible weren’t true for today. This left him confused. Why would the church tell everyone they needed to read the Bible if it wasn’t 100% true for today? At the age of 16, Holland heard a Pastor on the radio say that the Bible was 100% God’s Word and that it was 100% true for today. That Pastor was Chuck Smith. Shortly after, Holland began to pursue ministry as his passion and became the first worship leader at Calvary Chapel Vista at the age of 16. This passion for ministry was heightened after Lonnie Frisbee prayed for Holland at the age of 17.
As a young man, Holland helped plant several churches in the Southern California and Riverside area. During this time, Holland began writing worship songs for the local churches he was involved with. He also started teaching and leading worship at conferences around the nation. This led to the fulfillment of a personal dream to work for Maranatha! Music where his platinum selling song “Let It Rise” was recorded by Paul Baloche. Holland’s songs are published by Worshipsong, Calvary Chapel Music, Maranatha! Music, Universal Music, Brentwood Benson Publishing, Vineyard Music, Rolltop Records and Word Music and continue to be sung by churches around the world. However, during a trip to Israel, Pastor Holland once again began to sense God’s leading to return to ministry.
This eventually led him and his wife Roxie to Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa where he led worship for Pastor Chuck Smith, founded the School of Worship, Worship Life Conferences and relaunched Calvary Chapel Music. Following his success at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa, Holland and Roxie joined Pastor Skip Heitzig at the now defunct Ocean Hills Church in San Juan Capistrano. After two short years, Pastor Skip returned to the church he founded in Albuquerque and left Pastor Holland with the charge to be a stabilizing factor during a long and difficult transition.
In 2009, God began to reveal that He had other plans for Holland and Roxie. Through several prophetic words and the agreement of his wife, God made it clear that it was time for Pastor Holland to plant a new Calvary Chapel work in San Clemente. With Pastor Chuck Smith’s blessing, Pastor Holland launched Calvary Chapel San Clemente with a small but dedicated team of church planters on February 14, 2010. The church is now established and growing.
The heart of Pastor Holland’s message is the radical grace of God and how to approach living from God’s “life giving” perspective as presented in God’s Word. His passion to see healing and restoration in the lives of broken people have led Holland and Roxie to minister to families who have been impacted by Same Sex Attraction and Mental Illness. These issues have personally touched Pastor Holland and Roxie’s life due to their oldest son’s mental illness and a loved one who continues to live in the homosexual lifestyle. As a teaching pastor and worship leader, his passion for seeing God’s people discover their first love is bringing a message of transforming hope to San Clemente and beyond. The mission of Calvary Chapel is to know God through His Word, love God through our Worship and reveal God through our Witness.
Pastor Holland graduated from the Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa School of Ministry and graduated Summa Cum Laude with a B.S. in Behavioral Science from National University. He continues to teach and lead worship at conferences around the world. He is a published author with Bridge Logos and Technologies For Worship Magazine and the host of Worship Life Radio and part of the Wednesday crew on Biblical Insights heard on various stations across the United States and online at He is also the host of Worship Life Today, the television broadcast ministry of Calvary Chapel San Clemente. Worship Life Today can be viewed at His latest project is a new distribution platform for independent worship song writers called He’s also involved in planning the West Coast Worship Conference hosted by Calvary Chapel of the Chino Valley and is pioneering a new worship resource for Calvary Chapels at His ministry is to love His wife Roxie and their 3 adult children and their families and to be papa to his 4 grandkids. His passion is to lead worship for and shepherd the flock God has called him to lead at Calvary Chapel San Clemente where you can find him every week.
With Pastor Holland Davis
1031 Calle Recodo, San Clemente, CA. 92673
Sunday 8:30 AM | No Family Ministry
Doors open at 8:00 AM
Sunday 10:30 AM | Family Ministry available
Doors open at 10:00 AM
Thursday 6:30 PM | Family Ministry available
Dinner at 6:00 PM
Mail: PO Box 5946, San Clemente, CA. 92674
Email: info @
Phone: (949) 228-9117
6:30 PM Monday Nights with Pastor Bob
6:30 PM Through The Bible with PHD
Copyright 2010 Calvary Chapel San Clemente. Calvary Chapel San Clemente is a San Clemente Jesus People Community in South Orange County affiliated with the Calvary Chapel Association of Churches.
Serving San Clemente since 2010 Under the leadership of Pastor holland davis.